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Tuesday, 13 April 2010


My garden always takes second place when I'm writing. DH mows the lawns but the weeding is left to me, so as I'm now between books so to speak I've been spending time outdoors. We live in a regular sized house so the gardens aren't gigantic but we live on a corner so we have a front garden, a side front garden, a side back garden, and a back garden which has a fishpond and a little stream.

Last autumn I was busy working on a book so I let DH loose on the dead heading and pruning. Now, it's either the hard winter we had, or DH's less than careful pruning because I've lost some plants. The thing is, do I let him loose again or do I do all the hard work myself?

We're having glorious weather at the moment and the blossom on the trees is spectacular. A little later than normal but a very welcome sight.

Who does the gardening in your house?