Good news! My London book has been accepted. I don’t have a title or publication date yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.
Meantime here is the Pink Heart Society review for the Santorini Marriage Bargain.
I was delighted when asked to review Margaret Mayo's 75th book for Harlequin Mills & Boon. What a truly wonderful achievement.
By the first chapter I had fallen madly in love with the hero, Zarek who was both courteous and chivalrous whilst remaining an utterly gorgeous alpha male. Rhianne had experienced a terrible personal setback but Zarek helped her to take control of her life back - first by employing her and secondly by helping her to regain her confidence.
Although Rhianne had experienced a heartbreaking incident prior to the book beginning, she was in no way sorry for herself or overly emotional. Rather, she took the chances life and Zarek offered her with both hands.
The book begins in london but we are soon whisked away to the island of Santorini to meet Zarek's family. Although Zarek's father was seriously ill, I was impressed with the way this delicate subject was handled - just the right amount of sentimentality without becoming maudlin.
Zarek finds out he needs to be married in order to inherit his father's estate when he passes. Rhianne is the perfect candidate, yet she does not easily give in to Zarek's wishes. This story shows a strong hero with a heroine that matches him every step of the way despite her vulnerability. It is beautifully written by a prolific author who is a true inspiration to aspiring authors and a delight to her many readers.

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