
I'm so glad you've found my blog! This is where I share what's going in my life, and where you'll usually find the most up-to-date information on my latest releases. For more detailed information on my books, check out my backlist. And be sure to check out my contest page so you don't miss out!



Friday, 26 February 2010

Married Again to the Millionaire

I was listening to late night radio last night when this question came up:

What was the first book ever written using a typewriter?

I didn't know the answer but I wonder if anyone reading this does? I'll send a copy of my latest book Married Again to the Millonaire to the first person who gives me the right answer.

The clue is it was in 1875.

And talking of Married Again to the Millionaire, it's just had a lovely review from WeWriteRomance which you can read here:

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


It's been almost a week since my last blog and I have no excuse. Perhaps laziness. Perhaps nothing to blog about. My re-write's keeping me busy. I am, though, just over half way, so that is good.

My DH is considering buying an e-reader as we had our last one stolen whilst on holiday over a year ago and have never bothered to replace it. He is not a great reader but I have to admit he reads more on the e-reader than if he has a conventional book in his hand. So maybe it will be money well spent. He's thinking about the Sony PRS 300 and I've checked out some reviews and it looks pretty good. Does anyone have an opinion about it?

This morning I saw my latest book in the shops - Married Again to the Millionaire. Even after all this time I still get a thrill out of seeing my name in print.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Green Card

We ended up watching Green Card, a film starring Andie MacDowell (Bronte) and Gerard Depardieu (George). We had seen it before but a long time ago and neither of us could remember what had happened. It's a marriage of convenience story (sound familiar? How many times have I used that theme?) George wants his green card and the film is about the hilarious events leading up to their final interviews. But it didn't end in HMB style. They fell in love but Georgewasn't granted his card and it finished with him being driven away by the authorities. It was a bit slow in places but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tonight we're enjoying ourselves in a different way - out for a meal with friends.

Writing very slow today - spent most of the time going over what I had already written.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Writing has been like drawing teeth today. Every word, every sentence, every paragraph, I've toiled over. Fortunately I'm happy with the result. Tonight I'm going to relax and watch a film. Not sure which one yet. We have a whole pile that we've bought at some time or another and not yet seen. I'll let you know.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Trapped nerve

I've managed nearly two thousand words today, which isn't bad for a Monday. So I'm happy. My DH isn't so happy, he has a trapped nerve in his thigh - the medical name is meralgia parasthetica (his doctor gleefully told him that maybe I would use it one of my books!) - and it's really playing him up. He's not sleeping well which is making him grumpy. Does anyone know anything about it? From what I understand there's not much he can do unless it becomes unbearable when a cortison injection might help. But it could send his blood sugar up because he has diabetes. He is never ill, very fit for his age, and therefore he's feeling it all the more.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Libraries and weather

I seem to have had a busy week, working on revisions as well as my talk at Kingswinford library on Wednesday
It was very well attended and they were a happy, receptive audience with lots of questions afterwards. Most of them were readers who had been reading my books for years, and there were one or two would-be writers. So it was a nice combination.
Just as it was time to head home it began to snow. It came down like a blizzard as we walked to the carpark and my lovely pink suit turned white. (I had left my mac in the car not thinking I would need it) But just as suddenly as it started it stopped and the skies turned blue again.
Now it's head down again - back to reality.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


You probably think I've been busy working on my revisions - well, yes, that's true. But I'm also giving a talk tomorrow at Kingswinford Library so I've been working on that as well as it's been years since I've done any talks.

I've had lots of foreign editions of my books this last couple of weeks - I am totally running out of space. I'm taking a few to Kingswinford Library, hoping they'll take them off my hands.

I'm now about to make myself a cup of coffee and then it's back to the grindstone!!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in case I don't get round to blogging again before the weekend.

Friday, 5 February 2010


Why haven't I been blogging? Major revisions on my book. Not that I've started them, I've simply been taking them in. A big breath now and get on with it...

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


I had a good weekend with our grandson - who showed me all sorts of weird and wonderful things on You Tube. I personally never look at it but he showed me some spray painting artists. It's so amazing the way they do it. So quickly. I paint with a brush in watercolour or acrylics and it takes me ages. They spray and it's there in seconds. And how about pavement artists who paint caverns that you look as though you could fall into. Or water, or any number of amazing things? There are so many clever people about.