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Friday 3 December 2010


Aren't I a good girl? I went on my treadmill yesterday for the first time in months. I need to get down the excesses of Thanksgiving ready for the excesses of Christmas! The snow seems never ending here in the UK, though it's blue skies today and although it was well below zero overnight our weatherstation says that it's now 5 degrees centigrade outside. I've not tested it, though my DH has ventured into town - well wrapped up I hasten to add.

We decorated the house indoors yesterday evening - I couldn't believe we did it so quickly. My DH fetched the box out of the loft and in no time everything was done and the box put away again. I wasn't in the mood - but I'm glad it's done. The only downside is that the tree lights - which are an integral part of it - have stopped working. They were OK when DH tested it, but after I'd trimmed the tree they didn't work. So whose fault was that???