
I'm so glad you've found my blog! This is where I share what's going in my life, and where you'll usually find the most up-to-date information on my latest releases. For more detailed information on my books, check out my backlist. And be sure to check out my contest page so you don't miss out!



Tuesday 3 May 2011

Contest 1

Well, wasn't the royal wedding fabulous?  I was glued to the television the whole morning on Friday.  And then I went to the local garden party.  Very few people guessed who had painted the postcards.  Most got none right.  Quite a few got one.  And one lucky person managed five.  Neverthless it was a lot of fun.

So - to my May contest.

Four books, four weeks.

This week's question is - What are the christian names of my heroine and hero in my new book A NIGHT WITH CONSEQUENCES which is in the shops now in the UK.  The answers can be found on the books page of my website - http://www.margaret-mayo.com/

At the moment my website is being updated - by the lovely Heather at hr web concepts but I think you'll still be able to access it.  If not then I'll happily extend the contest time.  I'm quite excited about the new look it's going to get and can't wait for you all to see it.