
I'm so glad you've found my blog! This is where I share what's going in my life, and where you'll usually find the most up-to-date information on my latest releases. For more detailed information on my books, check out my backlist. And be sure to check out my contest page so you don't miss out!



Monday, 3 May 2010

Contest winners

As I only had three entrants in my contest:

Denise Yen

Joy Isley

Mary Ann Derbin

I am going to send a copy of Married Again to the Milionaire to each of you and I thank you for entering.

Joy and Mary Ann I have your addresses. Denise, can you please send me yours. And I'll send off the books asap.

I've started my new book but it's fairly slow going. My heroine is the beautiful Kara, who hides her light under a bushel, and my hero is Blake. She has been working as his PA for over two years without him noticing her. But things are about to change...