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Tuesday 5 June 2007

About my Australian book

I thought I'd tell you about Cade & Simone. Simone lives in Australia and runs a yacht charter company. Cade does the same in England. They knew each other five years ago, they were actually lovers, but circumstances forced them apart. Well, more than circumstances really. A big falling out. But you’ll have to wait to hear about that. Now they’ve found each other again and it’s a question of whether he’ll ever learn to trust her.

They're having problems at the moment - or should I say that I'm having problems. About three quarters of the way through each of my books I always come to a full stop. My way of getting myself out of it is to type type type. Something always happens, very often something unexpected. For instance I've just written a love scene that I had no intention of putting in. Why should I when they'd just had a huge argument?

They seemed to enjoy it though!