
I'm so glad you've found my blog! This is where I share what's going in my life, and where you'll usually find the most up-to-date information on my latest releases. For more detailed information on my books, check out my backlist. And be sure to check out my contest page so you don't miss out!



Wednesday, 27 April 2011

This and that

I missed wishing everyone a Happy Easter because my computer was playing up.  But I do hope you all enjoyed it and didn't eat too many easter eggs! 

I've been busy trying to sort out Rafe and Holly because they're not particularly behaving themselves.  And I've also painted a 'picture on a postcard' for a fun competition being held at our local pub for Prince William and Kate's wedding.  A garden party is planned with all sorts of events (as well as big screens for the occasion of course) and my art group is having a display of paintings.  The postcards won't have our names on and people are going to be asked to pair them up with the original artists.  It will be fun to see if anyone gets them all right.

At the beginning of May I'm going to be running a new contest to win copies of my latest book A NIGHT WITH CONSEQUENCES.  So do keep a look out for that.  I have four books to give away and I shall pose a different question each week during the month.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Heroes and blood pressure

Some time ago I told you I was having my blood pressure monitored and I blamed it on my current hero.  Well, the machine stopped working so I've had to wait until now when they had solved the problem to have it checked again.  And - good news - it's fine.  Poor Rafe didn't send it as high as I'd thought. 

Actually I'm having to re-write the first chapters of my current book again.  My editor pointed things out and as usual she is right.  But at least it means I get to spend more time with my hunky hero.  I'm really getting to know this guy. 

But I mustn't talk about him too much because I can feel my blood pressure rising...........

Monday, 18 April 2011


We've had beautiful weather again over the weekend and it seems set to continue for a further day or two.  DH and I did some tidying up in the garden yesterday - it's amazing how a combination of sunshine and rain has made the weeds grow quicker than the plants.  We have one or two shrubs that have died because of our harsh winter and have had to dig them out.  We waited and waited to see if they would spring back to life - but no such luck. 

We have fish as well but luckily all of them survived - every time we go near the pond now they pop up their heads and ask for food.

And today is not going to be a writing day either as I'm going to the hairdressers this morning and then helping a friend sort out a new card programme on her computer this afternoon.  So poor Holly and Rafe will have to wait a little longer before I join them again.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Foto Friday

A few years ago my DH and I spent Christmas in a hotel in Ilfracombe on the north Devon coast. And so on Boxing Day morning we set off on a three hour trek along a coastal footpath with the Atlantic Ocean crashing on the shore far below.  It was a cold but beautiful day and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  We ended up at a tiny pub with open fires and a festival atmosphere.  But I couldn't face the thought of another three hour walk back - it's not as though it was all on the level - so we returned to our hotel by taxi.  It was an experience I shall never forget, though.  Our one and only time when Christmas hasn't been spent with the family.

And why am I thinking of Christmas when summer is on the horizon?  When my H&H are in sunny Spain?  I just love looking at old photographs, though, don't you?

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


We've had lovely weather here these last few days but now it's gone cold. It's actually the right temperature for the time of year, but we've been lulled into thinking that summer was coming early. So I'm cocooned in my study with the central heating going full blast trying to write about sunny Spain. The picture's in my mind, but when I glance out of the window there are grey skies and not much else.

Thank goodness for imagination, that's what I say.

Monday, 11 April 2011


Every now and then I give myself a computer free weekend. This was one of them. We've had our eldest grandson to stay and we've been out and about so I didn't really miss it until last night when he'd gone home. I found it very hard not to come into my study and press the switches and turn on the screen, then sign in....

But somehow I managed it - and it's now eleven in the morning and I've just switched on. After a sunny and hot weekend it's still unseasonally warm outside so I have washing on the line and my DH is out there doing some garden maintenance - which is never ending. He's actually taken over some of the weeding which was always my domain. Leaving me more time to write. More time to sit on my butt at the computer - and get fat!

Actually I'm down to my lowest weight in a long time. I'm only one stone heavier than before I had the children over forty years ago. So I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

Back to the writing.....

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Foto Friday

Wildlife today. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


I've taken my H&H off to Spain - though I'm not sure of the exact location yet. It's a business trip so it will need to be near to one of the big cities. I'm open to suggestions....

Monday, 4 April 2011

Health risk!

I've been to the doctors this morning because I've been monitoring my blood pressure for the last month as it was on the high side. And now I'm going to have to wear a monitoring system for 24 hours to give a more accurate reading - and then they will probably decide to increase the dosage of my tablets.

I think it's my sexy heroes who make my blood pressure rise. I cannot think of anything else. I had no idea writing romance was a health risk!

But Rafe is enough to send any woman's BP sky high. Here's a reminder of what he looks like.